Teaches tween and teen girls life skills for mental and social health, equality, safety, and success

powerup GIRLS for LIFE

Gives tween and teen girls life skills needed for mental and social health and success in these stressful times

This evidence-based video-based education program for 4th-12th graders provides essential, practical tools for mental, behavioral, and social health, equality, safety, good relationships, and academic and life success in fun, active learning experiences!  There are 26 sessions (lessons) to choose from. Learn how to get them below!


Empower and build positive culture

Developed by the volunteer education, mental health, and medical professionals of the nonprofit Youth Empowerment Group (YEG), this video-based curriculum (program) for 4th through 12th-grade girls is designed for maximum impact and easy, flexible use by schools, youth-serving private groups and organizations, and parents.

Click to view the full curriculum!

Get lessons to empower girls and make your job caring for them as a professional or parent easier

FREE sample lessons are on teachable.com

Sign up for free full curriculum use exclusively with Weld County, Colorado youth courtesy of The Weld Trust here.


In PowerUp, girls learn practical tools for:

  • self-esteem and confidence without entitlement

  • positive body image

  • safe social media use

  • coping with stress

  • empathy and assertiveness

  • healthy emotional expression

  • personal and school safety

  • healthy relationships

  • sexism and sexual harassment protection

  • problem and conflict solving

  • academic success

  • all CASEL competencies and more!




We survey participants and parents to assess and evolve our program for maximum benefit. Here are results!

Girls' participant survey results:

  • 97% indicated they had fun at the program

  • 96% thought what they learned would make a positive impact on their lives

  • 94% found the sessions to be helpful

  • 89% said they would recommend the program to friends

Girl participant quotes:

  • "It prepared me for middle school and how to deal with bullies and to know what good friends are and I can add friends and to know how I'm being a good friend."

  • "They didn’t make stuff awkward to talk about."

  • "This group is awesome!"

  • On the last day, "I wish it wasn't ending."

  • “It was a serious topic turned fun.”

  • “It was awesome and I never want it to end”


  • Would recommend the program to other parents

  • Said their girls enjoyed the program

  • Thought the program taught their girls useful life-skills

Parent quotes

  • “We got our cheerful, talkative daughter back. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  • "I especially like the social media section and bullying, my husband and I work in law enforcement and for the Court and don't feel students really understand how much of an impact social media can have both today as well as in the long-term."

  • "I loved that my daughter came home and wanted to continue the hard discussions that were had in this program. Many conversations are uncomfortable and hard to have, but your program started these conversations and made my daughter feel comfortable enough to have them with me."

  • "The information given was so good & helpful! My daughter felt very welcomed and loved it and looked forward to the next one!!! But best was definitely the material covered!!"

  • “It was a great experience.”

  • “My daughter really enjoyed the whole program.”

  • “Absolutely recommend. Send your child!”


Our Valued Sponsors

WomensFund logo.jpg

Empowering Quotes for Girls

“I am a strong woman with or without this other person, with or without this job, and with or without these tight pants.”

Queen Latifa

“Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.”

Taylor Swift

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Looking for a co-ed mental and social health life skill program for ALL 4th through 12th graders?


Check out our NEW parallel curriculum for boys and girls

PowerUp co-ed empowerment program for tweens and teens logo

Learn more at youthempowermentgroup.org and get 2 FREE sample lessons that support mental and social health and success in boys and girls during these stressful times!